Monday, February 16, 2009

Hope For Our Children


Southerner said...

Becc- we do have a great church- but now I am scared to just show up at the pastor's house- he might be "gardening"

Southerner said...

Are you saying video of my friend in Fiddler on the Roof? If so, it is a local musical(not our church) and I might be arrested:) I couldn't remember what my comment was that made you LOL so had to come back to see- man, I hope you want a video of Christy!

Southerner said...

If he has an interest that is always your jumping off point or if you can come up with a theme idea. Since it is a special milestone if you can get some photos throughout the years of him and events in his life and you can put them around or all under a clear tablecloth. Do you have letters from war or anything that you could frame or use as a display. You could have people write special or funny memories of times with him or something about him and make those into a book with photos for an aftergift. You could do an "80 things about (his name)" list and try to come up with funny things as well as sweet things. If you can think of something he likes (fishing/baseball/music) then use those items in decorating or for entertainment.

You need 6 weeks notice but you can get a greeting card from the presidents
for people over 80. You can get one from each living president and then also have a flag flown over the nations capitol and sent to you.

Momisodes said...

I loved that clip. Very inspiring.