Monday, September 10, 2007


This has been sitting in Draft for awhile, but didn't want you to think that I ran away...

Well, life is back to normal.

I did 8 loads of laundry yesterday. Vacuum every day. The dishwasher runs twice a day. The lights are going on early due to the season change and number of bodies in the house.The bathroom is constantly occupied. The day is continually running away from us. Lance is still working long hours (so has his moments of needed solitude).

Punky is loving school and volleyball! She is in advanced math this year and Spanish (which will give her her first high school credit!) And she is in symphonic band (which is for the more advanced players) We have really watched her "come out" since we've been here. I love it!

Peanut is Peanut every day. Thrilled to go to school and just seems happy this year! She has such a gentle soul...

Work is mingled into the mix of our busy day. I am loving some of the extended hours I have been keeping.

Life is good!


Northern Michigan Mom said...

Everything sounds so wonderful! We are so happy for all of you and glad to know that the year has started out great for both girls.

Angela said...

I am happy that life is good for you