Thursday, February 19, 2009

Idol Update

One of "my boys" made it!


Angela said...

Good for him!

Swinging hormones are no fun. i do hope that you figure out all that. I only know how to deal with the pms and pregnancy ones so far. So I have no help to give on that. I m happy that pregnancy is only 9 months though.
Email me when you have time if you want to. I have missed so many updates. I think you waited till the pregnancy sleepyness came on to post.
Yes and it does feel good to get things paid off. I will be paying on my college loans for at least 15 more years.

Well sorry for the long comment. I just wanted to say I have been thinking of you. I also was too lazy to post a comment on each post.
Now I have to run after my 3 year old before the whole house gets destroyed.
I need a nap.


monstergirlee said...

Oh! So who should I be rooting for? I don't watch much but it helps if there's someone I should be watching.

Brenda said...

I'm sad to say that I've only watched a couple of the very first episodes of this new season. So now I don't know what's going on either. At first I was wondering if you actually knew this "boy", but is it just someone you were rooting for?