Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Moment To Babble

I've been online this morning reading blogs. There are some of you that I miss very much. Tabba- someday I hope you return. You always radiated such a positive energy and I loved your Sunday Songs. You'll notice some of them on my playlist.

There is one friend I'll never give up on. (You know who you are.) I'll never understand why you wrote me off of your list of "friends". I hold you next to my heart and always will. I have to say, I'm so relieved when you give me a glimpse of your life now and pained at the same time (you know I watch your blog). There are people in your life (we've talked about them- I've watched it and lived it beside you) that will smile and tell you how happy they are for you, but then say nothing but negative things about you when you walk away. I hope you know that I am not one of those people and never have been. I love you. I will always love your children. I love that you have found happiness. I pray that you are living the life that you've longed for. I know that you have felt the feeling of "I want to share this with you so bad, but I can't! This is mine. This is ours! This is so special! If I let someone in, it may become tainted." I'm here when and if you are ever ready. I guess it's just been awhile since the feeling of "waiting" has left though and I'm glad for that. (You waited for "him" - I waited for "you" Not the same but so similar in so many ways.) We both moved on.

On a happier note!!!

My husband and I went to one of our favorite restaurants last night! The Red Ginger! It was fabulous! (One of our New Year's goals was to have 2 date nights per month. We have had SO much fun!)

OH! Have I mentioned that our little Punky has been asked to enroll in all Honors/ Advanced Placement courses for her Sophomore year and that our little Peanut did incredible at State cheerleading finals?!! That's right! Uh Huh! You go girls!!!

Like I said "My Moment To Babble"!

Have a great weekend!!!


Northern Michigan Mom said...

So glad to hear all is going so great for you guys. Congrats to both girls on their achievements and tell that little one if she is ever up our way we would love to have her over!!

Tami said...

You are too funny about Pickens. It is a total redneck name isn't it? But such a great little town. BTW, what is your friend's name and her son? We might know them. My kids probably know them for sure. they know everyone. IF you don't want to post it send me an email. Where did they move to?