Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Morning

Good Morning/ Afternoon all!

I have had some time this morning to not only work on my playlist but also my blog this morning. I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the results.

Lance and the girls are all out of town for a short while and although this left me with a sense of complete loneliness this morning, I am proud to admit that, YES, I have taken some time to do the things that I enjoy and generally find to be a waste of time.

You will find my playlist now located in the right hand column. This is for you to enjoy. All you have to do is press the play arrow in the center of the blue box. I have set it up on shuffle, so each time you will have a new song to begin with. The little "pop-out" box will allow you to continue playing the music as you work around the house or even continue doing whatever you need to online. Just press "pop-out" and you're all set!

There is a variety of music styles posted, so maybe this is an opportunity to try something new, or listen to something old!

I'd really like you're input here. If there is something that you'd like me to add- just let me know!

Have a great one Folks and thank you for visiting!


monstergirlee said...

Hi - thank you so much for visiting my blog - I had to come and check yours out - can't wait to try out your playlist, bonus.

Hope the holidays were happy and fun for you and your family.

carrie said...

There is nothing better than getting a day or two to waste time in any way which you choose!

Enjoy! :) And, Happy New Year!