Monday, November 26, 2007

Morning Prayer

Lance has pulled away to begin a new adventure in a new town. The girls and I must stay behind due to school and the house.

The ache in my chest is almost unbearable. It feels difficult to breathe. His coffee cup sat solo in the sink empty. I HAD to get rid of it! I put it in the dishwasher immediately.

Even the dog feels the good-bye; as she lays on her love seat, head down, sad.

I know this is not permanent. I know we will be joining him. We don't know if we will see him this week, this weekend, or next. That is the hard part.

And he doesn't have a place to stay Until December 1. The insecurity that this brings is intense. Money isn't exactly growing on trees for us, so staying in a hotel for 5 nights is a burden, but I know God will take care of us. In fact, since I have been typing the phone has rang offering me hours next week and the following at one of the schools. I love working with the children and this phone call is rare. Normally they call the day a sub is needed. So thank you again Lord.

It is a beautiful fall day. The temperature is warm enough to keep the roads dry for Lance and our faith strong.

My God, continue to guide and bless us and keep our hearts warm through the distance.

Therefore do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?"
"What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?"
For after all these things the Gentiles seek.
For your heavenly Father knows that you need these things.
Matthew 6:31-32


Ms. Skywalker said...

You're in my morning prayers.

The answers will come; but you already know that.

Angela said...

It is hard being away from someone you care so much about.
The waiting for everything to workout part is the hardest.