Thursday, July 12, 2007


At first I just talked about it. Now I'm actually going for it.

Trying to find a second job.

I love what I do and I absolutely love the people I work for and with. I don't know that many people can say this. So I will try to find something that works around my current schedule.

I'm actually excited. Excited for the new opportunities. Excited for the new prospect of it all.

The money will help. The time off my hands will be nice. The meeting of new people and the learning of new things. I really look forward to all of this.

I know that it will become a juggling act when the girls return and school begins, but we'll work it out. We always have, plus we have Lance now. He has never let us down and I know he never will.

The running, the housework, the lawn, finding time to relax... It's all part of the game.

Bring it on!

My shoulders are back. My head is high! My parents would be proud!

I'm ready! Let's go!!!!


Angela said...

Good luck with the hunt

Northern Michigan Mom said...

I have no doubt you'll be able to pull it all off.

You are still able to find time to take my daughter this weekend!

You are a great Mom with great children.

Good luck with your search. They will be lucky to have you as an employee.