I have had a bit of time to relax over my discomfort.
I want to explain that we LOVE Dave Ramsey!
We LOVE the program!
We have seen it work!
It has worked for us!
It is working for us!
And we know people who are FREE because of this lifestyle. Alleluia!
It is our instructor that I am uncomfortable with.
And "yes" I have confronted him, at his asking, in front of the
entire class.
He told our class where you can get the lowest interest rate on a car loan in our town!
He spoke LAST NIGHT of how he bought a car on a
credit card and then paid it off with stock, or something!
Hello! Are we understanding the Dave Ramsey program here!?
Are we listening to the same videos and reading the same books!?
Using the same budget!? Helloooooooooo!
Lance says I just need to "let it go".
But it makes me SO mad!
What a hypocrite!
I mean, I really liked this man!
Now I want to switch classes.
Not that that is an option-
But it makes me mad!
We will continue to follow the program and do what we KNOW is right-
BUT ooooooooo.....