I read Message in a Bottle recently. A beautiful poignant love story. (It left me feeling a bit emotional and lonely but I have gotten good at making myself busy and pushing such feelings aside.)
The book definitely hit home for love lost and true love again discovered.
I would recommend Nicholas Sparks - Message In A Bottle to anyone, but not to those that are still dealing with the loss of their mate without the comfort of a new true love.
I was able to relate to both sides. Thankful.
His words of
"And I watch with breaking heart as you slowly fade away. I find myself straining to remember everything about the moment, everything about you. But soon, always too soon, your image vanishes and the fog rolls back to its faraway place and I am alone on the pier and I do not care what others think as I bow my head and cry and cry and cry."
My dear dear friends... these dreams will pass and I am sorry that you are feeling the pain you are. I can only pray that time will heal this for you.
...and his other words,
"...Before we came together, I moved through life without reason. I know that somehow, every step I took since the moment I could walk was a step toward finding you. We were destined to be together." Does destiny exist? Is it possible that the dearest people in our lives are brought there for purpose?
"...with a gentle touch he said, "Who do you think brought him to you? I know that you will be okay now." The last dream I ever had he was walking backwards in the white street. Happy, the happiest I had ever seen him in a dream. The next day his brother died.
I had since moved on in life, and was fortunate to have found a love deeper than any ocean, but since that dream I have been completely at peace and he has not returned for a visit. Dreams now are always of L, and L alone. Offering, as he always does in life...
Love, protection, peace, and happiness.